Photography Baby

Photography Baby
Photography Baby

When is a good time for the session?

The best time for a baby photo session will be when your baby is lively, playful and not over tired. Often just after waking up from a nap is best. However it is nice to get some shots after they have dropped off to sleep too...when they are looking peaceful... and an ideal opportunity to get shots of hands and feet while they are still.

Photography Baby

What is the best age for baby photos?

Photographs of newborns can capture the delightful and often forgotten things such as those little hands and tiny fingernails! Newborn photos as best captured in the first 2 weeks after birth. 2-3 months is also a nice age though they wont' be able to sit up but are great for cuddling photos. After about 5-6 months of age, your baby will be strong enough to hold themselves up a bit more, and there will hopefully be lots of smiles!

Photography Baby

A new baby is often a landmark moment for many couples so pictures are an important part of remembering the special moments. It is only natural that we would wish to document this new family addition via photograph -after all, kids don't stay babies forever. However, newborn photography comes complete with its own unique set of challenges, and if you're not prepared you may find yourself missing irreplaceable moments in your child's life.

Photography Baby

It has to be said that Baby Portrait Photography is great fun and if you don't want to hire a professional photographer then there is no reason why you shouldn't have a go yourself! Digital cameras are not too expensive and most have the capability to capture a lovely picture.

Photography Baby

Unlike Commercial Photography or Fashion Photography where everything has to be perfect, baby pictures taken by you can sometimes capture that one unique, really cute facial expression especially if you have access to some simple photo editing software on your computer (which often comes with a new camera when you purchase it) as you can tweak each picture to improve it and remove any slight marks.

Photography Baby

Crying, screaming, squirming and eating is what babies do very well. Posing for your camera is the last thing that is on your baby's mind. Once you capture that perfect moment frozen on a photo, you will realize that all your hard work was worth it as you will have amazing photos to share once they have all grown up. There is no doubt that photographing a newborn baby is difficult. When they are first born, they will not move around very much and will sleep most of the time (except for late at night - when they cry all night). In this situation, it's best to get up close and use a large aperture (f/1.8 ideally). This ensures that the focus of the photo is on your baby. Try to also take the photo from an interesting angle and it will make your photo more interesting.

Photography Baby
Photography Baby

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